详细信息 配套动力:15-18.5千瓦 Auxiliary power:15-18.5 kw 转速:3000转/分 Rotation speed:3000 rpm 结构:齿爪式 Structure:Mouth tooth claw style 加工类别:各种可以粉碎的干湿料物,化工原料、石膏粉、皮类、粮食类、塑料类。 Processing category:Various dry and wet materials that could be crushed, including chemical raw materials, gesso powders, hulls, grains, and plastics. 配套带轮:四极电机 直径300mm Auxiliary strap wheel: Four anode motor, diameter: 300 mm 产量Output: 料物Materials 筛底Screen hole 产量Output 吨耗电度Power consumption per ton 石膏粉Gesso powder 80目Class 3.5-5 T 4.3 共0条 相关评论 |